Hellebore No. 4: The Yuletide Special

Hellebore No. 4: The Yuletide Special

Hellebore No. 4: The Yuletide Special

Regular price $14.50

HELLEBORE is a collection of writings and essays devoted to British folk horror and the themes that inspire it: folklore, myth, history, archaeology, psychogeography, witches, and the occult.

In This Issue - The Yuletide Special

  • The Lord of Misrule
  • From Ghoul to Godhead
  • The Unsafe Church
  • The Hauntings of Cold Christmas

Midwinter. The shortest day, the symbolic death and rebirth of the Sun. It is a time of darkness, but also of hope and celebration. For this Midwinter special we’ve gathered stories to help us through the darkest months: ancient legends that may still be re-enacted, accounts from a frozen past, tales of ghosts and revenants and witches and warlocks, stories that bring chills into our living rooms. In this issue, sinister rituals unfold during the longest nights of the year, spirits drift through the icy landscapes of the Arctic, and churches are never safe havens.

Gather around the fire. Let’s gaze at the shadows lurking beyond the Christmas lights.

Hellebore Plants

Hellebore is a poisonous plant that has the power of altering perception, thought to be one of the main ingredients for the witches' flying ointment. Associated with the water element, it is known for opening up portals to the underworld and the subconscious.

About This Zine

  • A5 magazine, approx. 92 pages.
  • Printed on silk coated paper. Perfect binding.
  • Edited by Maria J. Pérez Cuervo.
  • FREE shipping on orders over $99*
  • Secure payments
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