Make a Little Magic

Indie Decks

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✨ Tarot & Oracle Cards

Tap into the ancient symbols and traditions of divination on a journey of self-exploration.

Crystals by Intention

Many stones channel specific vibrations for intentions like love, abundance, calm, and protection.

Shop by Intention

Crystals by Colour

We have crystals in every colour, whether you're looking for a purple amethyst or some bumble bee jasper.

Shop by Colour

Crystals by Chakra

Amplify the energies of the 7 chakras with crystals targeting these powerful vibrational zones of the body.

Shop By Chakra

About Our Shop

Calling Corners is a mystic shop based in the tiny town of Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada with a big dream to make a little bit of magic.

We hope to fill you with energy and strength through our amazing community of wise & witchy staff, card-slingers, crystal lovers, diviners, dreamers, mystics, and magicians.


The Coven Slumber Party

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